Friday, June 17, 2011


要买曼谷包,首选就是有好信誉的网站. 有些网站只买真货, 有些真假昆着卖...


二、泰丝和麻布系列原装正品的NaRaYa包包的拉链上有拉链厂品牌VENUS字眼. 摺泰丝及棋盘系列的拉链是金色的。

三、原装NaRaYa袋采用优质材料, 而手提袋系列更有防水层, 假货则没有防水层及手工粗糙。

四、在有信誉的网站顶购, 如在AKeies (

分辨Naraya 的真假, 从几出看起:

假Naraya (Fake Naraya)

Fake Naraya
- Tag and logo (In this picture, it comes with YELLOW tag - fake Naraya)
- Bad quality
- Different type of fabric
- Zip - different type - bad quality silver color zip

真Naraya 的商标, 图安清楚. 外面白色, 加上浅黄色商标. 有的假货也很类是但下面的(靠近第二个"AKeies" 水印) 的花纹有不同.


Samples of Original Naraya Zips (except for Drawstring bags)

Original Zip for Satin Series

Original Zip for Premium series
- Checkered & Satin Pleated


  1. Recently, there are so many shop selling fake naraya online, hence, it is helpful if you know how to differentiate a real one and fake one.

    Naraya is famous for it's quality, feminine and value for money. To recognise a real naraya, first of all,is the quality if the bag and also the fabric. However, this is not easy for new fan of naraya especially those who haven't own a naraya bag before. So, another way of recognise the authentical is from the tag, you can check out the sample of real tag at the link below:

    It is white background instead of yellow or some other colors as in the fake bag picture.

    Check out more on how to differentiate a real Naraya & a fake Naraya at the link below:

    Hope it is helpful for all Naraya Fans.

  2. I went to Thailand recently and saw some replica Naraya, the designs look almost like Naraya but it's still not Naraya Bags. Hence, it is important to know how to differentiate an original Naraya and a fake Naraya. Pls find out the link below on how to differentiate a real and original naraya.

    AKeies assure you that we only sell Original Naraya Bags. Guarantee Original
