About NaRaYa

NaRaYa is a famous designer brand from Thailand. It was started from a small capital business and then grow internationally. All of NaRaYa products are handmade from quality textile and it fits to everyday usesage. NaRaYa brand has received no less than 3 awards of Thailand's Prime Minister's Awards for export and management, pretigious Superbrands award and Thailand best brands.

In Japan, NaRaYa bag is also known as Ribbon Bag for it's well-known trademark of a ribbon in front of the bag. Its lovely and trendy designs has attracted a lot of attentions from those who like famenine, sweet, pretty and trendy designs. It is also very popular in Korea and Japan. Many Japan or Korea air-stewardesses are also a fan of NaRaYa. Due to its popularity among the Japan & Korea air-stewardesses, it also known as a "Stewardess Bag" or 空姐包 in Chinese.

While not all products share the same characteristics, there are some things you can look for to ensure that your purchase is a genuine NaRaYa product.

4 quick ways of recognizing a real NaRaYa:

  • 1. Uncompromising Quality
  • 2. Sewn label inside or out
  • 3. Superior lining materials and perfect stitching
  • 4. The golden NaRaYa zipper in checkered series

NaRaYa products can initially be differentiated by the NaRaYa name on many of the product’s details.

NaRaYa bags are quite distinctive. The colors and patterns of NaRaYa bags are unique and characteristic of NaRaYa's quality and style standards. All NaRaYa bags stitching is arrow straight and they use fine materials. Sometimes NaRaYa brand name can be found crisscrossing the interior lining.

NaRaYa Trademarks
Another thing to look for as well in NaRaYa is the famous “bow” or “ribbon”. In fact, in Japan NaRaYa bags known as “Ribbon Bags” because of the signature ribbon which used to accompany each of NaRaYa bags, and still adorn many today.

NaRaYa products offer unbeatable value for money. NaRaYa don’t take this for granted; NaRaYa always pays close attention to details at every step.

NaRaYa's Product Philosophy

Variety: Constantly changing collections driven by a keen sense of style and a research team always looking for innovative colors and textures.

Quality: Each piece has loving care put into every stitch and curve. The craftsmanship put into NaRaYa products can be seen at first glance.

Pricing: NaRaYa design does not stop at fashion and beauty: each of NaRaYa products is engineered to offer the greatest value at the best price.

Functionality: NaRaYa products are meant to fit into people’s daily lives, to be used for all occasions.

NaRaYa's Processes for Perfection

Every step of NaRaYa product development is designed to create products which will last for a long time.

NaRaYa has rigorous quality control processes in each of their departments – inspecting each piece of fabric and each assembly process – to maintain NaRaYa high quality standards.

From NaRaYa's R&D Department to NaRaYa's QC Department, it has experts which make sure that straight line are stiched straight, and curved lines keep their beautiful curves.

Source: NaRaYa

 泰国曼谷包NaRaYa(娜莱雅)是一个手工箱包品牌,也是泰国的著名国产品牌,目前蜚声亚欧,享有“布包界的LV”之盛誉,在台湾和日本她被称作“曼谷包”或“空姐包”。曼谷包最早只是在泰国比较盛行,但是后来随着台湾和日本的空姐喜欢购买这个品牌的包包,顿时让曼谷包成了名副其实的空姐包。由于曼谷包采用的都是绸缎和面部材质,所以包包质地比较轻盈,而且比较好收纳,因此很多空姐喜欢将曼谷包作为自己的第二个行李袋。曼谷包的图案非常丰富,有素面的、动物、碎花等图案,但不管哪种图案,曼谷包的色彩都是十分明亮的,这也非常符合东南亚地区的审美观。除了图案和色彩丰富外,曼谷包的款式也非常丰富, 好看不失庄重, 从手提包、背包、化妆包、晚宴包到晚钱包、零钱包一应俱全, 价格也实惠。

NaRaYa(娜莱雅)早期只一个小的家族式作坊, 主要为泰国皇室提供手工产品,后期主要出售商品给游客和航空公司的职员,现在已经出口商品到全世界32个国家和地区。

NaRaYa(娜莱雅)目前已在13个国家拥有代理商和专卖店,包括美国、日本、中国台湾、意大利、埃及等国家。它的制作材料主要是泰国的绸缎和棉布,花色独特、品种繁多的特点,使NaRaYa产品有了别具一格的风味。精致、富贵、时尚的风 格适应不同年龄层次的女性。
目前NaRaYa产品种类繁多,有各种尽寸的手提包、背包、化妆包、晚宴包、小钱包、手帕、相框、拖鞋、面纸套、厨房用品……一应俱全。颜色款式多到让人眼花撩乱,它的制作材料主要是泰国的绸缎和棉布,花色独特、品种繁多的特点,使NaRaYa产品有了别具一 格的风味。